Day of the Farm Worker – Farmworker Resource Fair
10:00 AM10:00

Day of the Farm Worker – Farmworker Resource Fair

Join us for the Day of the Farm Worker, a free resource and health fair supporting farmworkers with essential supplies, health screenings, and services.

📅 Saturday, April 19, 2025 | ⏰ 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM | 📍 KDNA, Granger, WA

💙 Free Resources: Vitamins, hand sanitizer, chapstick, hats, gloves (while supplies last)
🩺 Free Services: Health screenings and resource information

📧 For more details or to donate, email:

🌐 Donate to support farmworkers here or Purchase Resources Directly

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Health Event- Diabetes Education
5:30 PM17:30

Health Event- Diabetes Education

Join us for a FREE health event on diabetes prevention and education, led by Community Health Worker Edgar Lopez-Baez. Learn how to reduce your risk, make healthy choices, and access community resources.

📅 March 27, 2025 | ⏰ 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM | 📍 KCHN Office, Ellensburg, WA

📧 For more information, email

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Basta- Acoso Sexual en la Agricultura
6:00 PM18:00

Basta- Acoso Sexual en la Agricultura

Únase a nosotros para BASTA, un seminario web gratuito en español sobre el acoso sexual en la agricultura. Aprenda a identificar el acoso, comprender las protecciones para los trabajadores y desarrollar estrategias de prevención. ¡Abierto a todos!

📅 20 de marzo, 6:00 PM | Evento Virtual > Zoom Link <

📧 Para consultas, envíe un correo a

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Shaw Vineyard
9:00 AM09:00

Shaw Vineyard

Support Vineyard Workers at the Day of the Vineyard Worker! This resource and health fair provides essential supplies, medical screenings, and support for vineyard workers. Help make a difference by donating money or resources. Learn more and contribute today!

📅 Feb 28, 2025 | 📍 Shaw Vineyard | 💙 Donate Now

For donations or inquiries, email

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STI Webinar
6:00 PM18:00

STI Webinar

Join our free Spanish-language webinar on STI awareness and patient communication for community health workers, promotoras, and healthcare professionals. Led by Dr. Bauer from Blue Mountain Heart to Heart, this session will cover STI prevention, symptoms, local trends, and strategies for effective conversations with patients. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and community outreach!

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Latino Leaders Day on the Hill
8:45 AM08:45

Latino Leaders Day on the Hill

To help you prepare for your day on the hill, here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Identify a Bill or Issue

Think about a topic or issue you’re passionate about. Use the legislative tool at to search for keywords or topics to find relevant bills you’d like to discuss.

Step 2: Find Your Representatives

Determine who represents you in Washington’s legislature by visiting This tool will direct you to your state representatives and senators, along with their contact information.

Step 3: Schedule Meetings

Reach out to your legislators as soon as possible to request a meeting during Legislative Day. If you need help crafting an email or preparing your talking points, email Judith at

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Taller de Educación Financiera
10:00 AM10:00

Taller de Educación Financiera

Únase a nosotros para un taller gratuito de educación financiera

El taller será dirigido por Ruben Artiga, un asesor financiero de confianza de First Command. Durante esta sesión, obtendrá herramientas y conocimientos prácticos para fortalecer sus finanzas personales.

Temas Cubiertos:

  • Gestión de efectivo y deudas

  • Acumulación de riqueza

  • Gestión de riesgos

⚠️ ¡Cupos limitados! ¡Reserve su lugar ahora para no perder esta oportunidad!

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9:00 AM09:00

Latino Leaders Day on the Hill

Join the Center for Latino Leadership on Thursday, February 16 in Olympia for a Legislative Day on the Hill at the Washington State Capitol.


9:00 am - Social hour

10:30 - Capitol tour and current affairs briefing

11:30 - Lunch program

//Break for meetings with legislators and staff//

5:00 PM - Evening reception

Participate in all or some of the planned activities!

Contact Maia Espinoza at 206.708.0849 to RSVP or sponsor this event.

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